
56L Ericaceous compost

A premium compost, Ericaceous Compost has been specifically formulated for ericaceous plants.

Providing the best environment around the plant roots, it helps develop strong roots for healthy growth.

Ericaceous Compost:

  • Perfect for lime-hating plants and those that thrive in acidic conditions
  • Used in containers and for planting out
  • Just right for azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias, magnolias and heathers

The lime-free formulation is recommended for acid-loving plants as it acidifies the root zone and provides improved water retention.

Ericaceous Compost can be used for sowing, cuttings and potting. Use straight from the bag and water-in straight after planting. Keep the compost moist, but not drenched.

The compost can also be used for feeding plants as it contains enough plant food to sustain seedlings and plants for up to six weeks after planting.

The addition of a wetting agent helps to improve re-wetting and watering efficiency, enabling Ericaceous Compost to soak up water rapidly, even when it has dried out.